Q: What is an academic conference anyway?
A: An academic conference functions as a platform for (student) researchers to present & discuss their work. Usually the research is displayed to an audience of peers via a short verbal presentation. The audience is then encouraged to ask questions of the researcher. Student presenters are encouraged to invite friends and family to attend presentations as well as enjoy catered breakfasts, lunch, snacks, and a spectacular afternoon Key Note Speaker. Honors for “Top Research” will be awarded as well!

Q: Where do I submit my research?
A: All submissions must be submitted through the Collin college Digital Commons portal. Click on the Submit Research link on the left navigation menu. You will need to create an account, which is super easy and quick. All correspondence will take place through Digital Commons.

Q: What do I include with my submission?
A: In most cases, you will submit 2 things:

  1. Your (complete or partially-complete) research paper OR abstract with Working Bibliography
  2. Your completed applicable Submission Sheet.

Q: What is an abstract?
A: An abstract is a concise summary of the entire research project. Abstracts should be no longer than 1 paragraph and should include the research purpose (research question, hypothesis, rational for study, etc.) and the 'findings' of that research. As you will see on the sample abstract as well as the Submission Sheet, all abstracts require a Working Bibliography as well.

Q: What is a Working Bibliography?
A: A Working bibliography is a properly formatted list of the sources (books, journal articles, etc.) that you will use or reference in the complete paper. You are certainly free to use additional sources in the final paper, too.

Q: What if I haven't totally completed the research yet but still want to participate?
A: You may still submit your partially completed research! While strong consideration is given to fully completed research, we absolutely accept partially-complete work, as well as abstracts w/ Working Bibliographies (see above) for presentation.

Q: What student is eligible to present at the conference?
A: All Undergraduate students from any college or university - both 2-year and 4-year institutions are eligible to present at the conference.

Q: What type of research is considered?
A: Traditional Research within any academic discipline is considered. This includes Research Manuscripts, Research Papers, Research Reports, Service Learning Research, Scientific Experiment Research, Exploratory Research, etc.

Q: What is the presentation format?
A: Research will be presented in ONE of the following formats:

A Panel consist of approximately 4 students. A Panel Chairperson introduces each student, each student then summarizes their research (in approximately 7 minutes), and a Panel Respondent concludes the session with a brief discussion and then opens the floor to audience Q & A.

A Roundtable functions differently in that the student(s) lead a discussion of their research topic. Audience members may insert opinions, discussion, questions, etc. during the allotted time. This format functions more as an interactive discussion between the researcher(s) and the audience, as opposed to the researcher presenting directly to the audience.

A Poster Board Presentation functions in quite the same manner as a Science Fair presentation, where the student(s) presents their research to people walking though the hallway via large, decorated poster boards. This is also a great choice for students presenting art or photography research!

A Performance is an appropriate presentation format for many disciplines. In a performance, students share their research with the audience via a rehearsed or choreographed delivery. Past UISRC performances have come in the form of plays, spoken word poetry, and theatrical satire.

*Students may choose whichever presentation format they like AND may choose to present as an individual OR as part of a group. Please designate which on your Submission Sheet.

Q: What if I want to present with a group of friends/classmates?
A: You simply fill out the appropriate Submission Sheet (titled “Group Submission”). Only one person in the group should do this. Along with that singular Submission Sheet, you will submit the research of each student (they may be any combination of complete papers, partially-complete work, or abstracts w/ a Working Bibliography).

Q: What if I need to use technology, like Powerpoint or Prezi?
A: All rooms are equipped with a PC, a large screen, and Internet access. Presenters are encouraged to test their visuals in advance, to confirm compatibility. *Poster Board Presenters will not have access to this technology.

Q: May I invite people to watch me present my research?
A: Of course! We encourage invites. They may stay for your presentation, all of the presentations, the Student Success Workshops, the Keynote speaker, the free food, or any other conference activity they like. The event is free, as is parking and food.

Q: I'm from out of town. Should I stay overnight in a hotel room? If so, are any provided?
A: You may feel free to stay in the DFW area if you choose, but will need to make hotel reservations on your own. We will provide a list of local hotels and restaurants and will set aside a block of rooms for conference participants. Once your research is accepted you will be given this specific information, so you may begin making your plans.

Q: How to I apply for one of the Top Paper Awards? Do I have to submit my paper twice?
A: No, students only need to submit their research project once, to the DC page. From all of the complete research papers submitted, a committee will determine the Top paper winners. Winners will be notified prior to the conference date, again through Digital Commons.

Q: Will the students be 'judged' at this conference?
A: Conferences work as a showcase for academic research, not a competition per se. We do however, award 'Top Paper' distinction to extraordinary student projects!

Q: Do I have to pay for parking?
A. No, Parking is free

Q: What if I need special accommodations, like a sign language Interpreter?
A. Please let us know of your accommodation needs at least 72-hours in advance and we will do our best to make it happen.