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2023 | ||
Friday, October 6th | ||
8:00 AM |
Marc Azard Conference Center 8:00 AM - 8:20 AM |
8:30 AM |
Session 1A: AI in the Composition Classroom Amanda Oswalt J226 8:30 AM - 9:45 AM Session Moderator: Amanda Oswalt Let's Be Blunt - Addressing AI with Students Laura Foster-Eason – Collin College “What About AI?” - How Emerging Tools Can Enhance Student Learning Joshua Campbell – TWU Utilizing Art in Teaching Argument in an AI Environment William Brannon - Collin College |
8:30 AM |
Session 1B: Best Practices for Success Brittany Moore J228 8:30 AM - 9:45 AM Session Moderator: Brittany Moore Bridging “Academic” and “Industry” in the First-Year Writing Classroom Sarah Fish – Collin College Student Conferences: More than a Meeting or Time Away from Class Robert Buron - NCTC Teaching a Memoir on Being Mentored in ENGL 1301 William Christopher Brown - Midland College |
8:30 AM |
Session 1C: Dual Credit Instruction Marc Azard J229 8:30 AM - 9:45 AM Session Moderator: Marc Azard Best Practices for Dual Credit Instruction
10:00 AM |
Lizbett Tinoco Conference Center 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Allison Boye - Welcome Director - Center for Teaching and Learning Collin College Marc Azard - Introduction of Keynote Speaker Professor of English -Collin College Dr. Lizbett Tinoco - Keynote Address Professor - Texas A&M - San Antonio |
11:30 AM |
Marc Azard Conference Center 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Lunch is included with registration. Let’s continue the spirited conversations of composition and collegiality with the Trends presenters and our esteemed keynote speaker, Dr. Tinoco. |
1:00 PM |
Session 2A: AI in the Composition Classroom Alaya Swann J226 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM Session Moderator: Alaya Swann Addressing AI with Process-Driven Writing Amanda Field – Collin College Karen Williams – Collin College Teaching Argumentative Writing with AI Sumita Dore – Collin College |
1:00 PM |
Serena Richards J228 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM Session Moderator: Serena Richards Creative Writing in the Composition Classroom Rochelle Gregory - North Central Texas College Jacob Arnold - North Central College |
1:00 PM |
Session 2C: Composition Pedagogies Gina Perkins J229 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM Session Moderator: Gina Perkins Anxiety Exposure: Adapting Psychotherapy Techniques to Teach Debate Anna Genneken – Collin College Trial by Fire: Using Labor-Based Grading with Dual Credit First-Year Composition Students Amber Hunsaker – Midwestern State University |
2:30 PM |
Session 3A: Stress Reduction in FYC Courses Through Embodied Writing Activities Serena Richards J228 2:30 PM - 3:15 PM Session Moderator: Serena Richards
2:30 PM |
Session 3B: Multi Modal Learning Claire Landes J229 2:30 PM - 3:15 PM Session Moderator: Claire Landes Killing Kryptonite in Student Compositions Gary Wilson – Collin College Steve Rizzo – Collin College Supporting Multimodal Service-Learning in the FYC Classroom to Enhance Student Engagement & Transfer Alicia Beretta – TWU |
3:30 PM |
Salena Parker Conference Center 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM You have listened, you have learned. Now it’s time to chat! Join us in the Conference Center to unwind, reflect, and connect with your peers. |