Title of Presentation/Proposal/Etc.
“A Quest for Furniture: Labor and Social Institutions in August Wilson’s Fences”
Start Date
25-2-2021 8:00 AM
Presentation Type
Faculty Presentation
This paper will explore how social institutions and labor function within Fences by August Wilson. Social institutions and labor are huge themes in this play. Social institutions are everywhere, and the Maxson family is shaped by social institutions. By extension, family conflict exists, oftentimes, within a larger conversation about social institutions. To add, the main character, Troy Maxson, is a working-class trash collector with failed baseball dreams. His intersectional experiences create a unique mental construction that drives his behavior, one built upon his idea of labor. Labor, like social institutions, affects individual characters and the Maxson family at large. In sum, this paper will delineate the complex relationship between social institutions and labor in Fences to enhance our knowledge of black drama and working-class studies.
“A Quest for Furniture: Labor and Social Institutions in August Wilson’s Fences”
This paper will explore how social institutions and labor function within Fences by August Wilson. Social institutions and labor are huge themes in this play. Social institutions are everywhere, and the Maxson family is shaped by social institutions. By extension, family conflict exists, oftentimes, within a larger conversation about social institutions. To add, the main character, Troy Maxson, is a working-class trash collector with failed baseball dreams. His intersectional experiences create a unique mental construction that drives his behavior, one built upon his idea of labor. Labor, like social institutions, affects individual characters and the Maxson family at large. In sum, this paper will delineate the complex relationship between social institutions and labor in Fences to enhance our knowledge of black drama and working-class studies.