Title of Presentation/Proposal/Etc.

“The Pedagogy of Social Class Becoming the Admin of an Individual’s Existence, with Special Reference to Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure”

Start Date

25-2-2021 8:00 AM

Presentation Type

Faculty Presentation


In the institute, so called Society there are people, who exist under several groups and these groups decide their identity in the society; and this grouping is done on the basis of gender and social status. According to the social status there are two classes of people: High class and Working class. In this paper we will take reference of Tess of the D’Undervilles and Jude the obscure and discuss how an intelligent girl “Tess” was killed by the society due to her social class; “Jude Fawley”, whose sensual nature cannot be accommodated by rigid social system. In the paper we will discuss how class confusion changed everyone’s life, how an intelligent woman became outsider in her own society due to her class; how class becomes the admin of an individual’s social existence.




Feb 25th, 8:00 AM

“The Pedagogy of Social Class Becoming the Admin of an Individual’s Existence, with Special Reference to Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure”


In the institute, so called Society there are people, who exist under several groups and these groups decide their identity in the society; and this grouping is done on the basis of gender and social status. According to the social status there are two classes of people: High class and Working class. In this paper we will take reference of Tess of the D’Undervilles and Jude the obscure and discuss how an intelligent girl “Tess” was killed by the society due to her social class; “Jude Fawley”, whose sensual nature cannot be accommodated by rigid social system. In the paper we will discuss how class confusion changed everyone’s life, how an intelligent woman became outsider in her own society due to her class; how class becomes the admin of an individual’s social existence.