Research Week
The first-year experience, at-risk college students, and college retention rates

The first-year experience, at-risk college students, and college retention rates

Hattie Northrip, Collin College
Sharon Eaves, Collin College
Joseph Richardson, Collin College
Sydney Zapata, Collin College
Mahan Eghrari, Collin College


Sydney Zapata, Joesph Richardson, Mahan Eghrari, and Hattie Northrip worked with Dr. Sharon Eaves to uncover variables for those likely to unenroll in Collin Community College classes. Insights from this research are essential for interventions at the school as House Bill 8, a Texas bill that funds community colleges, shifted its criteria for allocation on certifications, transfer students, and completed degrees. To identify potential at-risk students at Collin College, we surveyed our students for extra credit. Though we didn't have many participants who were planning on leaving college, we found some significant correlations between protective factors, social status changes, and risk factors with those who have disabilities.