Collin College Publications | Collin College Archives | Collin College

Special Collections and College Archives Finding Aids are discovery tools used to describe and provide access to our holdings. Finding aids include historical and biographical information about each collection in addition to inventories of their content.

Materials in this accrual were either collected by Marty Adamson, or were in her office in the SCC LRC when she moved in. These materials are assumed to have originally been collected by the previous occupant of the office.

Collin County Community College District publications consisting of student handbooks, course catalogs, course schedules and handbooks for faculty, staff and students. Accumulation occurs based on frequency of each publication.

Collin County Community College District newsletters and newspapers

Collin County Community College District clippings

Collin County Community College District administrative records consisting of strategic planning documents, budgets, financials, accreditation application, administrative retreats, and board meeting packets.

Collin County Community College District Documents and Printed Ephemera consisting of programs, invitations, pamphlets and leaflets for CCCCD programs and events.

Also includes collection of clippings about Brad Baker’s “Outstanding Community College Professor award for 2000 and Ziad Shaker’s Research Paper “The Founding and First Five Year History of the Collin County Community College District” from October 28, 2006.

April 2007 – Melissa Blackmore forwarded digitized handbooks and staff directories which were rolled into these collections where appropriate.

6/1/2007 – Miscellaneous items located in SCC Library cabinets and at PRC. Some of these items rolled into these collections.


Submissions from 2019


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LRC_Archives_Collection_200703a2c1, Terri Karlseng


LRC_Archives_Collection_200703a2c2, Terri Karlseng


LRC_Archives_Collection_200703a2c3, Terri Karlseng


LRC_Archives_Collections_List_revised7_29_11, Terri Karlseng