Featured Publications | DigitalCommons@Collin College Repository

Featured Publications

Caleidoscope (News Archive)

Caleidoscope was Collin College's newsletter from October 1987 - December 2005, predating Cougar News. This collection contains scanned copies of the newsletter from 1987-1997. Digitization was completed by the CPC/McKinney Campus Library between November 2012 and January 2013.

Do you have a copy of Caleidoscope we're missing? Contact the administrator to add it to the collection!

Collin College Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Student Research Conference (Conferences and Symposia)

Collin College invites you to participate in its 10th anniversary Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Student Research Conference!

"Top Paper" awards will be awarded in 2 distinct categories.

  • 4-year University students
  • 2-year College students
**Only complete (fully written) papers will be considered for Top Paper awards**

Some categories will award multiple $1,250.00 scholarships!

WHO: Undergraduate students from all disciplines and schools are invited

Extended SUBMISSION DEADLINE: March 10, 2019

CONFERENCE DATE: Wednesday, April 24, 2019

WHERE: Collin College, Plano Campus, Living Legends Conference Center 2800 East Spring Creek Parkway Plano, TX 75074

WHY: Showcase your research (papers, reports, experiments, panels, posters, performances, etc.) to colleagues and fellow students in a professional, yet low-key environment and possibly win an award &/or scholarship!


  1. Send an e-mail to StudentConference@collin.edu and attach your research
  2. Type the title of your paper in the subject line
  3. Again, please remember to attach your research to the e-mail
  4. In the e-mail body, include the following information:

  • I am from a 2-year school. I am from a 4-year school (pick one)
  • The name of my current school is
  • I am submitting my own, singular work. I am submitting as part of a larger group (pick one)
  • NOTE: If you are submitting as part of a group, attach all papers to this one e-mail. You are the representative/primary contact for this group. In order to make certain all group members are in the know, however, you should make certain to CC all group members in the submission e-mail. If you are submitting as a single individual, simply attach your own paper.
  • I want to present as part of a PANEL, a ROUNDTABLE, a POSTER BOARD, or a PERFORMANCE (pick one)
  • By submitting this research, I agree to have it published online on Collin's Digital Commons platform at the conclusion of the conference.
  • If accepted, I agree that I will be in attendance at the designated time to present my work on April 24, 2019.

Do not forget to attach your research to the e-mail

Please use an email account you check regularly.

No Registration Fee; friends and family are welcome.

Event is free, catered, and open to the public

*If you require special accommodations, such as a Sign Language Interpreter, please let us know at least 72-hours in advance of the conference.

See an example of the Top Paper from 2018 below!

Connection (News Archive)

The Official Community Newsletter for Collin College. Connection is the college's award-winning community newsletter published three times a year to inform members of the Collin County community about college news, awards, events, and more.


Forces is an annual publication sponsored by the Humanities and Communications and Fine Arts divisions of Collin College. Forces welcomes all contributions of poetry, fiction, black and white/color photography, and visual art from members of the Collin College community.

For questions regarding submissions, contact Editor-in-Chief Scott Yarbrough. For technical issues, please contact the administrator.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Texas Center for Working-Class Studies Conference (Conferences and Symposia)

Welcome to the Texas Center for Working-Class Studies Conference. Our mission is to raise awareness about issues related to social class, work, and the working class and to provide opportunities for collaboration among faculty, students, and community members.

Please save the date for our upcoming conference: Thursday, February 15, 2024.

Authors are encouraged to submit 150-word proposals to be reviewed by The Texas Center for Working-Class Studies Advisory Board for possible conference presentation. Authors do not have to be affiliated with Collin College in order to submit. The deadline for submissions is Friday, December 1, 2023. Presenters will be notified by mid-January.

While there will be the opportunity to upload full versions of papers after the conference, this will be voluntary and only if the presenter wishes to do so. DigitalCommons@Collin is the repository for conference proposals, and these materials are only accessible by the Advisory Board for purposes of review. Authors and presenters retain full rights to their work.

To submit, please create an account and select "Submit Event" on the left side of the page. For technical questions, please see the Author FAQ or e-mail the administrator.