Alien Voices at Collin College | Collin College Research | DigitalCommons@Collin

Theatre Discipline Lead: Shannon Kearns

ALIEN VOICES is a unique multi-media production of classic science fiction performed in "radio show" format. Created by STAR TREK actors Leonard Nimoy and John de Lancie, Alien Voices began as a way for these actors to fully dramatize state-of-the-art radio plays. By the spring of 1997, the first three Alien Voices audio productions of H.G. Wells': "The Time Machine," Jules Verne's "Journey to the Center of the Earth," and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's "The Lost World" had been performed featuring the acting talents of such STAR TREK veterans Mr. Nimoy and Mr. de Lancie themselves. Directed and designed by our own Mr. Wizard, Craig "Yo" Erickson, ALIEN VOICES will truly be a 2001 Space Odyssey!


Browse the Alien Voices (2001) Collections:

Alien Voices Gallery