"The Parent Trap: Communication About Coparenting Between Divorced Coup" by Elizabeth Farrar


Professor Introduction: Investigating Interpersonal Communication

Research in progress for SPCH 1318: Interpersonal Communication

Faculty Mentor: Kerry Loinette, Ph.D.

The following paper represents work produced by a student in an Interpersonal Communication course at Collin College. Students who take interpersonal communication, SPCH 1318, learn about communication in a variety of relationship types including friendship, romantic, familial, and work-place. They are exposed to theories and principles that focus on successful communication behaviors for the creation or initiation of a relationship, the maintenance or care of a relationship, and the termination or ending of a relationship.

In what follows is a student’s attempt to understand a very specific interpersonal communication experience. The project addressed how divorced parents perform their co-parenting duties. Once a topic is selected, students are then asked to read existing literature about their topic, create an open-ended survey about their topic, analyze the results of their survey, and write a final paper about their topic.

This paper is the result of the semester long research process. Students are provided with a variety of information including how to format, how to write appropriate open-ended questions, and how to analyze data. Students conduct their projects largely outside of class time. Students are encouraged to select and research topics that interest them and provide insight, be it personal or professional, into interpersonal communication.

Faculty Mentor

Faculty Mentor: Kerry Loinette, Ph.D.



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