Content Posted in 2018
12 Hours, G. Boyd Williams
1900-01-00, Cameron Sells
1900-01-00, Hannah Smith
2000 Forces, Scott Yarbrough
2002 Forces, Scott Yarbrough
2004 Forces, Scott Yarbrough
2011 Forces, Scott Yarbrough
2012 Forces, Scott Yarbrough
2016 Forces, Scott Yarbrough
2018 Forces, Scott Yarbrough
2018 Student Invitational Poster
76 Caprice Classic, Shellie McCullough
A Binary Deficit's Thinking Disorder, Greg Sherp
A Crossing, Jiafeng Lan
Adaptation as Literary Analysis, Anna Lackey, Cara Davis, Hannah Diaz, Maddison Hurd, AJ Dvorak, and Autumn Bush
Advanced Student Art Show entrance
A. Eilene Carver, Peek a Boo, Columbine, Acrylic and Oil on Canvas
A. Eilene Carver, Peek a Boo, Columbine, Acrylic and Oil on Canvas
A. Eilene Carver, Political Targets, I and II, Multi Media (Paper Acrylic Oil)
A Ghost Perspective, Stacie Hoffman
A Kennedy Dies, Dirk Spencer
Alberto Gutierrez with model in photograph
Alex "Al" Johnson - Aww Hell…
Alex "Al" Johnson - Curling Iron
Alexander Aiken - Of the Few and Proud - Pen and Ink Crosshatching - Drawing I, Jerry E Smith
Alex Johnson, Go Juice, Cast Aluminum and Found Objects
Alex Johnson, Go Juice, Cast Aluminum and Found Objects
Alex Johnson, No Mercy, Fabricated Steel and Cast Bronze
Alex Johnson, No Mercy, Fabricated Steel and Cast Bronze
Alex Wiscovitch- Boys in the Band II
Allison Gillies, Decompress, Oil on Canvas
Allison Gillies, Decompress, Oil on Canvas
All that Glitters, Probably Killed Him, Trexia Joy Asiel Hernandez
Allusions, Donna Gilbert
Alone, Taylor Roseberry
Amalgamate (AAC) 2015 Oil on Canvas 60 x 60 inches
Amalgamate (AAC) 2015 Reception
Amaris Castillo: "Becoming Death" Gold, Color Etching - Carter Scaggs, Printmaking I
A Mind Away, Hugh Bramlett
An Angel Under Streetlight, Aaron Ly
A New Lamentation for America, George Henson
A New Testament, George Henson
Anna Fritzel - From the Series "Grounded"
Anna Fritzel - From the Series "Grounded"
Annika Hundtofte - Bowl in Motion - Ceramic - Ceramics II, Chris Grey
Antichrist Oils, Katie Lipscomb
Antwinette Cofield, 2 AM, Conte Charcoal and Pastel on Sanded Paper
Antwinette Cofield, 2 AM, Conte Charcoal and Pastel on Sanded Paper
Antwinette Cofield, 9.25 PM, Charcoal and Pastel on Sanded Paper
Antwinette Cofield, 9.25 PM, Charcoal and Pastel on Sanded Paper
Anywhere is a Good Picture, Catherine Chong
A Parting of Ways, William Vincent
Apartment Walls, Melissa Dang
A Piece of Cake, Sonya Day
a poet after that, E. Fleming Pierce
A Poet's Married Life, Tamleez Burney
Ara Ohanian - First Contact - Iron, Slag - Advanced Foundry, Al Johnson
Ara Ohanian: Spirit Slam, Bronze and Iron - Luke Sides, Intro to Foundry Practice
Architecture, Catherine Chong
Argumentative Paper Research, Mary M. Reisinger, Zachery Treft, Enrico Murcia, Jacob Segoviano, and Brittany Cave
Armina, Bridget N. Scott-Shupe
A Rocky Hill Christmas, David Klewicki
Artist, Kate Innocent
Art Student Invitational 2016 Entrance
ARTV 2320 Film 02, Timothy Adams
Ascension, Christopher Asuncion
Asperatus, 2018 Oil on Canvas 48 x 48 inches
A Steel Bitter Gray, Anne West
A Sweet Hello, Taurean Hill
At Peace in War, Ibrahim Safa
At the Day's End, Sonya Day
At the Fence, Merrily Huff
Aubrey Tinch - Tajin the Gecko - Watercolor, Mixed Media - Watercolor I, Longhui Zhang
Autism & Cancer: Interventions and Interpersonal Communications, Patricia Northcutt and Kevin Holland
Autumn, Chisom Ogoke
Autumn in Texas, Anna Boling
Bad Optics - 2018 Silverpoint Copperpoint and Whilte Chalk on Prepared Paper 9 x 12 inches
Balance, Sydney F. Sokora
Bannister #8, Sabrina Mendoza
Barbed Wire, Hayley Earnest
Barracks, Ft. Abraham Lincoln, ND, J. Allen Whiteside
Bed of Stars, Claire Shipman
Before He Depoloyed to Korea, Sylvia Rojas Vaughn
Behind Every Leaf, Chisom L. Ogoke
Between My, CC Palo
Bird in the Mountains, Hayley Earnest
Blackberries, Beth Turner Ayers
Bob Melton: Modern Sofa, Bronze - Luke Sides, Intro to Foundry Practice
Bob Melton with guest and art piece Full Throttle
Bowls, Cups and Unidentifiable Objects, Chisom L. Ogoke
Boy (after Seurat), James G. Robinson
Boy with Guitar, Michael Nguyen
Brandy Lee Anderson: DisMANtle - Elizabeth Mellott, Darkroom II
Brandy McKinnon: Little Pearl, Steel - Luke Sides, Metal Sculpture
Breakfast, Jenny Warren
Breakfast in Conference Room C, Jennifer Warren
Brenda Galan - Dare to Open It
Brenda McKinney, Intuition, Mixed Media
Brenda McKinney, Intuition, Mixed Media
Brenda McKinney - Optical Illusion
Brenda McKinney - Want to Be a Millionaire
Brian Wiseman, Deadly 7 Sideshow Marquee, Paint on Wood with Lightbulbs
Brian Wiseman, The Human Dragon, Paint on Wood
Bubble, Amanullah Kahn
Bubbles, Victoria Jones
Bull's Machine Shop, Josh Jalowiec
Burning Hate, Michael Nguyen
Busy Bees, Beth Turner Ayers
But I Won't, Bianca Pittman
Butterflies, Caroline Dillard
Byrd II, B Hall Tradition, University of Texas, Austin, TX - 1903
Byrd III, Black Face at Westcliff Elementary School, Ft. Worth, TX - 1951, Gold Chloride Print
Byrd III, Crime Scene, Ft. Worth, TX - 1960, Archival Ink Jet Print
Byrd III, Dance Boys, Ft. Worth, TX - 1949, Archival Ink Jet Print
Byrd III, Hunters with Kill, El Paso, TX - 1915, Gold Chloride Print
Byrd III, Seibold, Ft. Worth, TX - 1937, Gold Chloride Print
Byrd III, Waitress at Ernies, Ft. Worth, TX - 1954, Gold Chloride Print
Byrd III, Woman Shopper, 7th Street, Ft. Worth, TX - 1937, Gold Chloride Print
Byrd II, Utah, Survey Photography 1910-1912 Platinotype Print
Byrd IV, Alamo Reenactment, Ft. Worth, TX - 1960, Toned Silver Gelatin
Byrd IV, Bad Luck Triptych, Archival Ink Jet Print
Byrd IV, Ben Kinchlow 700 Club Evangelist Series 1984-5, Toned Silver Gelatin
Byrd IV, Blue Girl, Nice, France - 2009, Archival Ink Jet Print
Byrd IV, Chicago, 2005, Archival Ink Jet Print
Byrd IV, Imprinting Violence, Allen, TX - 1990, Archival Ink Jet Print
Byrd IV, Jimmy Swaggart, TV Evangelist Series 1984-5, Toned Silver Gelatin
Byrd IV, Laying Hands, TV Evangelist Series 1984-5, Toned Silver Gelatin
Byrd IV, Man with Stab Wound, Ft. Worth, TX - 1989, Archival Ink Jet Print
Byrd IV, Misquoting Jesus, Trier, Germany - 1997, CyanotypeOverPalladium and Van Dyke
Byrd IV, Mortality Series, Mixed Media
Byrd IV, Mortality Series, Mixed Media (2)
Byrd IV, Mortality Series, Mixed Media (4)
Byrd IV, Post Office, Ft. Worth, TX - 1989, Archival Ink jet Print
Byrd IV, Slave Letter, Dyersburg, TN - 18381915, Gold Chloride Print
Byrd IV, War Veteran Ft. Worth, TX 1982, Gold Chloride Print
Byrd Williams Art Café Poster
Byrd Williams, Julie Shipp, and President Matkin
Byrd Williams, Series. Family Album, Inkjet
Byrd Williams, Series. Family Album, Inkjet
Byrd Williams with entrance to Proof Show
Byrd Williams with Miaojian Zheng and Guest
Byrd Williams with Natalie Small and guest
Byrd Williams with Natalie Small, Miaojian Zheng, and guest
Byrd Williams with Series. Family Album
Byrd Williams with Series. Family Album
Byrd Williams with students featured in show
Bystander, Marzia Mariwala
By the 4 Sixes, Donna Gilbert
Calibration, Evan Hinton
Cancion de Amor, Joan Canby
Carcophony, Patricia Keller
Carrie Garrott - A Brief Collection
Carrie Garrott, Delicate Brooch, Petals, String, Sterling Silver
Carrie Garrott, Delicate Brooch, Petals, String, Sterling Silver
Carrie Garrott, Some are Broken, Petals, Beeswax, Steel Pins
Carrie Garrott, Some are Broken, Petals, Beeswax, Steel Pins
Carson Ullrich: Harbor Crane/Adjudicator, Oil Paint - Jennifer Seibert, Painting I
Carter J Scaggs - Texture Study 1
Carter J Scaggs - Texture Study 2
Carter Scaggs, Drawings from Sculptures, Conte Ink
Carter Scaggs, Drawings from Sculptures, Conte Ink
Celina Doro: Scream, Oil Paint - Jennifer Seibert, Painting I
Celly Hard, Boys, Jessica Meyer
Cemetery, Ft. Abraham, Lincoln Rd., J. Allen Whiteside
Chalk drawings on the gallery wall
Chameleon Trap, Christina Lamb
Checkpoint - 2018 Silverpoint and White Chalk on Panel 11 x 8 inches
Cherry Willow, Claire Shipman
Chiaroscuro, Sabrina Mendoza
Childhood Is, Kelly Zeleus
Children's and Adolescent Literature: A Roundtable Discussion, Hayley Pugh, Kinsleigh Sawatsky, Abigail Welsh, Matthew Vondersaar, Peizhao Li, Mike Morrison, Simiul Haque, Michaela Thompson, Jordan Abualijazer, Ife Adeyinka, Hannah Neely, and Ashley Rush
Chili Saturdays, M.J. Dolan
Chris Gray - Flameware Casserole
Chris Gray, Flameware Sausage Cooker, Cone 10 Flameware
Chris Gray - Large Flameware Frying Pan
Chris Gray, Self Serve Tea Soup - Stew Cooker, Cone 10 Soda Fired Flameware
Chris Gray, Self Serve Tea Soup - Stew Cooker, Cone 10 Soda Fired Flameware
Christa Grogan, Caribou in Water, Acrylic on Canvas
Christa Grogan, Coin Purse, Acrylic on Canvas
Chris Tinnen, Hatchling (Neck Piece), Steel
Chris Tinnen, Hatchling (Neck Piece), Steel
Chris Tinnen, Hemachord, Steel
Chris Tinnen, Luke Sides, Alex Johnson
Chris Tinnen, Luke Sides, Alex Johnson
Chris Tinnen - Untitled (Hidden)
Christy Ethridge, Stream 01 and Stream 02, Painting
Claudia Trejo Hernandez: Outbreak, Mixed Media - Jennifer Seibert, Design 2D
Clay Purdy, Forgetting Lifes Woes, Bronze
Clay Purdy: Office Job, Bronze - Luke Sides, Intro to Foundry Practice
Climate Change Research, Taylor M. Jariz, Travis B. Buros, Rose Cernadas, Chase Hartin, and Jeremy Bearden
Close Enough - 2017 Oil on Panel 21 x 15 inches
Coffee Shop Bar, Taylor Roseberry
Colette Copeland, How Does Freedom Taste, Mixed Media, Postcards, Audio
Colette Copeland, Sally 2017, HD Video
Colette Copeland, Sally 2017, HD Video
Colette Copeland, Sally 2017, HD Video (pic two)
Colette Copeland, Sally 2017, HD Video (pic two)
Communication and Security Issues in Online Education: Student Self-Disclosure in Course Introductions, Tonya McMillion and Carie S. Tucker King
Communion, Ann Marie Newman
Compass, Joan Canby
Compensation, Rick Rinner
Cower - 2018 Charcoal and White Chalk on Paper 22 x 18 1/8 inches
Craving, Liberty Daye
Crisis in the Present Tense, Sandra Starr
Critiques of Five Films: It Happened One Night, Gone with the Wind, The Graduate, The Godfather, and Saving Private Ryan, Lakshmi Telidevara, Kelcei Young, Erin Matlack, Jacob Scroggins, and Alexander Faulconer
Crystal Clear, Liberty Daye
Cultural Sanctimony - Photography Exhibition 2017
.Cultural Sanctimony Photography Exhibition Poster
Culture - 2016 Silverpoint on Panel 11 x 8 inches
Daniel Birdsong - Beauty and the Gloom of a Rusty Blade in Spring
Daniel Birdsong - Campfire Kabuki
Daniel Eubank during reception
Dan Odeny: The Intuitive Energy, Oil on Canvas - Jennifer Seibert, Painting II
Daryl Despault, Behind the Mask, Charcoal
Daryl Despault, Good Run of Bad Luck, Pastel
David 1 - 2018 Charcoal Sanguine Chalk and White Chalk on ACM 60 x 38 inches
David 2 - 2018 Charcoal Sanguine Chalk and White Chalk on ACM 60 x 38 inches
David 3 - 2018 Charcoal Sanguine Chalk and White Chalk on ACM 48 x 37 3/8 inches
D-dad, Roxanne Geib
Dead Rose, Christie L. Conklin
Dean Evans, Dean Cooksey, Professor Shipp
Deedra Baker - Mom's College Senior Portrait
Deflected Spark 2, 2017 Oil on Canvas 24 x 36 inches
Deflected Spark 4, 2017 Oil on Canvas 60 x 48 inches
Deflected Spark 7, 2017 Oil on Canvas 24 x 24 inches
Deflected Spark 9, 2017 Oil on Canvas 48 x 72 inches
Delayed Reactions Caused by Canalization, Justin Clark
Delivered, Bonnie Frazier
Denoument, Meredith P. Embry
de novo, Nicole Lynn
Derrich Hamm, Hearts and Astronauts, Various Forms of Intaglid Prints
Diana, Virginia Owen
Diana - 2018 Oil on Panel 22 x 19 1/8 inches
Discards, Erin McKnight
Discourse - 2018 Egg Tempera and Copper Leaf on Panel 16 1/2 x 15 3/4 inches
Douglas Darracott - Pleasures: Liberty Recreational Center
Dover at Eventide, Christina Lamb
Dragons and Mice, Lost Boys and Nargles: Critically Analyzing Fictional Characters, Nathan Mechler, Stefania Aguilar, Stefan Matic, and Ana Marquis
Drawings from previous classes on the gallery wall
Drawing the Line Art Café Poster
Dripping Time Until the World Dissolves, Nate Mathers
Dry Branch, Ava Everette
Duncan O. Odeny - Joint Impression - Oil on Canvas - Painting II, Jennifer Seibert
Dylan Thomas' Wartime Plea, Diana Alatalo
Easy as ABC?, Allison Bickerstaff
Eden's Burden, Casey L. Jones
Edge of the Earth, Patricia Keller
Edmund Tells No Tales, Lisa J. Morris
Egons Ago, Katie Lipscomb
Eilene A Carver - Valentine's Day 2018 (for the Victims of Florida School Shooting)
Eilene Carver, Faith Targets I, II, III, Acrylic Oil on Canvas
Eilene Carver, Faith Targets I, II, III, Acrylic Oil on Canvas
Eleanor Evans - Untitled - Clay, Glaze, Photo Mono Print - Ceramics II, Jillian Cooper
Elegy of Chattanooga, Kelly Anne Triece
Elephant Families, Suzanne Rae Deshchida
Eliana Cepeda- Catching the Train
Elizabeth Harris: Flower Series, Watercolor Pencils and Ink Pen - Julie Shipp, Drawing I
Elizabeth Mellot - Blood Lines
Elizabeth Mellott, Mullein (Verbascum Thapsus), Cyanotype
Elizabeth Mellott, Mullein (Verbascum Thapsus), Cyanotype
Elizabeth Mellott, The Deceased Ones, Cyanotype
Elizabeth Mellott, The Deceased Ones, Cyanotype
Elvira Guerrero- Untitled #1 from Moda en Mi Calle Collection
Elvira Guerrero- Untitled #2 from Moda en Mi Calle Collection
Elvira Guerrero- Untitled #3 from Moda en Mi Calle Collection
Elvira Guerrero- Untitled #4 from Moda en Mi Calle Collection
Enough, Bianca Pittman
En Passant, Meredith P. Embry
Entry 5, Kendall Marie Rogers
Erika McIlnay, Rebirth of the Disposable, Bronze, Oak
Erika McIlnay, Slab Progression #4, Silk Screen Print, Cement, Cedar, Cotton String
Erika McIlnay, Slab Progression #4, Silk Screen Print, Cement, Cedar, Cotton String
Erika McIlnay, Woven in Nostalgia, Aluminum Burlap Twine and Wood (Oak, Pine)
Erika McIlnay, Woven in Nostalgia, Aluminum Burlap Twine and Wood (Oak, Pine)
Erika McIlnay, Woven in Nostalgia, Aluminum Burlap Twine and Wood (Oak, Pine) (pic two)
Erika McIlnay, Woven in Nostalgia, Aluminum Burlap Twine and Wood (Oak, Pine) (pic two)
Erin Matlack: The Green Maiden, Charcoal - Theresa Traweek, Drawing II
Ethical Decision Making, Ariel Furman, Pamela Van de Branden, and Alexandra Spaller
evanescent, Molly Boyce
Ever Tangled Ivory Essence, Lillie Vermillion
Everything's Bigger in Texas?: Funding, Education, Programs, Policies, & Laws, Cristine Espinosa, Tiffany Page, BeLynn D. Hollers, and Jessica Le
Evidence of Love, Lunxiang Yang
Excerpt from: The Bleeding Heart, Jaime Lillis
Exploring New Frontiers in Children's Literature, Matthew Vondersaar, Kylee Dodson, Byanka Ramos, and Mariah Hightower
Exploring the Pedagogy of Class: Student Essay Contest Winners and Student Research, Lisa A. Kirby
Exposed, 2, 4, Michael Nguyen
Façade, Haley Wallace
Facing My Crossroads, Eunice Bridges
Faith, Alberto Gutierrez
Fatema Ahmed with Luke Sides and Al Johnson
Figure #33, Carissa Battaile
Filed Away, Kaitlin FitzRandolph
Fire Ant Field, Toby Wallace
Firestrike 2, 2017 Oil on Canvas Over Birch 24 x 24 inches
Fishhead, Jamie Hulett
Flight of Icarus, Manu Satyan
Flora Ghost, Tulip's Last Impression, Amy Bedinghaus
Forces Reception, R. Scott Yarbrough
Forecast Calls for Stopped Time, Joshua Oldfather
Forgotten…, Tara Tompson
Form vs. Content, Susan Maxwell Campbell
Francis, Nick Young
Franklin Countryman - Skateland Trinidad Co.
Freedom, Deborah Worthington
Freeze, Joseph R. Honescko
Friedrich's Wanderer, K. L. Dryk
Front Door, Clair (Qu) Wu
Full of Hope, Out of Gas, Meredith P. Embry
Fun in the Botanical Garden, Gilbert Hu
Gabriela Santos Rodriguez: Madre e Hija, Silver Gelatin - Elizabeth Mellott: Darkroom II
Geoffrey Thomson: Step Lightly, Steel - Luke Sides, Metal Sculpture
Girlfriend, Noah Blake Ballou
Glass Bulb, Christie L. Conklin
Gluttony, Jessie Mann
God Bless the Service Provider, Austin Shrader
Going to Graves, David Knape
Google Fiber Comes to Big Bend, Evan Hinton
Grace Tang: Madison, Oil on Canvas - Jennifer Seibert, Painting I
"Gran" Says It All, Kelly Reichelderfer
Green with it, Apathy, Bad Conscience, Anna Boling
HAIEA Documentary (Human Animal Interaction and Education Advocates) - 2017, Eric Rush
HAIEA Documentary (Human Animal Interaction and Education Advocates) - 2018, Lauren Sultan
Half an Inch, Kaitlin FitzRandolph
Hall of Heroes, Corey Hinds
Hand, Joon Yi
Harley Johnson with Princess Mononoke
Haunted, Marc Pappas
Headless, Dimitry Borodyansky
Health Science Academy, Sarah Hobbs, Isabelle Nguyen, Fenisha Franklin, Alex Graham, Nicole Nguyen, Andrew Nguyen, James Brokenbek, Deval Ritesh Patel, and Saloni Saldhi
Heart of the Matter, Eunice Bridges
Heather Evans with Max's Stars and Edinburgh Raincloud
Heather Parsons - Alignment - Oil on Canvas - Painting I, Jennifer Seibert
Heather Parsons: Welcome Saguaro, India Ink - Julie Shipp, Drawing I
Help Needed, Lauren Sultan
Here's to You, Kevin, Aaron Ly
High Tea, Sandra Starr
History Research at UTD, Emily Riso, Nabilah Nathani, Ommeid Hosseinalikhan, and Rebekah Boyer
Home, Tiffany Kellerman
Horror of My Life, Trishal Varma
House White, Nick Young
How Hypochondriacs Say 'I Love You', Lissie K. Mays
How to Make Your Own Hell, Nicholas McLean
Humbled Brothers, Austin Helmreich
I am Deaf 001, Faizah Shah
I am Deaf 002, Faizah Shah
I I September 2001 (a song), Matthew Ware Coulter
I like Oscar Wilde, Claire Shipman
Images, Manu Satyan
Imagine, Lauren Sultan
immaculate conception, Molly Boyce
Impass, Karis Strannemar
I Never Saw the Trees Before, Molly Boyce
I Never Wanted to be a 'Why God-er', Haley Wallace
inevitability, Molly Boyce
Innocence, Marlo Woody
In Search of Caffeine, Kerry Jeffrey
In Search of the Stolen, Unwanted and Bamboozled: Varieties of Scholarly Inquiry in Honors History, Ariel Furman, Jana Vaughan, and Zachery Treft
Introduction, Scott Yarbrough
Introduction, Scott Yarbrough
Introduction, Scott Yarbrough
Introduction, Scott Yarbrough
Invisible Injuries, Amy Carter-Ishmael
I Own the Road, Nakita Vojnovich
Isaac 1856-1887, Lyn Knowles
Isabella - 2018 Oil on Panel 46 x 23 3/4 inches
Isle, Hugh Bramlett
Israel: Crossroad of Cultures, Joan Kennedy and Gary Wilson
It Happens in Seasons, Anna Boling
Jarod Azzarito: Weekend Warriors, Bronze and Iron - Luke Sides, Intro to Foundry Practice
Jennifer Pankratz- Back Entrance of #119
Jennifer Pankratz- Drive-Thru Views
Jennifer Pankratz- Garbage Roll Carts
Jennifer Pankratz- Holes in a Wall
Jennifer Pankratz- Lemon Lime Ride
Jennifer Pankratz- Market Square Mall
Jennifer Pankratz- Yellow Structure on Blue Cement
Jennifer Seibert, E Plurbis Unum - Of Many, One
Jennifer Seibert, E Plurbis Unum - Of Many, One (close up)
Jennifer Seibert with Family at Reception
Jerry E. Smith, Shouded & Veiled
Jerry E. Smith speaking about piece
Jerry E. Smith, Study For St. George And Dragon, Acrylic
Jerry Smith, Julie Shipp, XXX, Jennifer Seibert, and Rex Kare at Reception
Jerry Smith, The Despair of Pedagogy, Collage with Self Portrait Pencil
Jerry Smith, The Despair of Pedagogy, Collage with Self Portrait Pencil
Jerry Smith, The Saga of Lessons & Listens, Collage with Charcoal Self Portrait
Jerry Smith, The Saga of Lessons & Listens, Collage with Charcoal Self Portrait
Jerry Smith with The Saga of Lessons & Listens
Jerry Smith with The Saga of Lessons & Listens
Jesse, Beth Ayers
Jesus Says Wash My Car, Justin Clark
Jillian Cooper, Plaid Cups, Stoneware
Jillian Cooper, Plaid Cups, Stoneware
Jillian Cooper, Whiskey Cups, Stoneware Porcelain Sllip
Jimmie Calvin, Katie Lipscomb
Jon Breazeale - Artist's Critic
Jon Breazeale - Artist's Paradox
Jon Breazeale, Blue- Grey Green -Grey, Ink on Paper
Jon Breazeale, Blue- Grey Green -Grey, Ink on Paper
Jon Breazeale, My Greatests Blunder and My People My Home, Ink on Paper
Jo Osborn: First Take on a Curve, Acrylic on Canvas - Julie Shipp, Drawing I
Jordan Bender - Self-Portrait - Charcoal - Drawing I, Jerry E. Smith
Judith - 2018 Oil on Panel 33 x 18 inches
Julie Shipp announcing award winners
Julie Shipp, Byrd Williams, Dean Gaye Cooksey, Asc. Dean LaToya Thomas
Julie Shipp, Klara 9.1 (2016-2017), Oil on Canvas
Kamakazi, Miles Stoner
Kat Black, Arielle Wilcott
Kate Colin, Perspective Inversion 1
Kate Colin, Perspective Inversion 2
Katey Rice - Death Becomes Her - Mixed Media - 2D Design, Carter Scaggs
Katie, Gilbert Hu
Katie Price, Bad Apple, Oil on Canvas
Katie Price, #Hashtag, Oil on Canvas
Katie Price, Netflix and Nightmares, Oil on Canvas
Kelly McNett, Fish Lips, Digital Photography
Kelly McNett, Virgin Lips, Digital Photography
Kenneth Beckhusen with The World as Bill and Representation
Keynote Address, Victoria E. Bynum
Keynote Address, Jenny Warren
Kileigh Richardson, Tombo's Bath
Kingsville, 1970, George Henson
Klara 17, 2017-2018 Oil on Canvas 72 x 72 inches
Kristina Taherzadeh: Clear Skies, Oil - Jennifer Seibert, Painting I
La Catrina, Alberto Gutierrez
Lady Life, Ibraham Safa
Lady with a Toaster - 2017 Silverpoint and White Chalk on Prepared Paper 11 1/2 x 8 1/4 inches
Larissa LoGelof with Phoenix Quinn
Legacy, Sabrina Mendoza
Let's Talk About Sex, Mary Jane Taylor, Gabrielle Popp, and Jerusalem Assefa
Lexi Brozovich, Technology Buble, Acrylic
Lexi Brozovich, Tentacles, Acrylic
Light Ghost, Kateri Whitfield
Lillian Flint, Stripper Bunnies, Laugha Dark Brown Clay, Dillo White Clay
Lincoln on My Tongue, Collin Miller
Linda Ann Suddarth - Seeing Through No. 1
Linda Ann Suddarth - Seeing Through No. 2
Linda Ann Suddarth - Seeing Through No. 3
Literature and Music Reviews, Sara Ann Bowden, Emily Kedslie, Samantha Quade, Sarah Lehmann, Douglas R. Laman, and Andrew Kim
Literature, Language, and Class, Michael Schueth
Little White Flowers, Hayley Earnest
Logan Williams: An Empty Death, Wood - Alex Johnson, Sculpture I
Lonely, Christina Chuang
Look out for the Altars, Claire Shipman
Lost Virgin, Mary Whiteside
Lotus Flower, Yara L. Soto Hernandez
Love is a Rebel Bird, John Achomuma
Love: the Villain of the Story, Matthew R. Vondersaar
Loving Couple, Gilbert K.D. Hu
Lucky #7, Shellie McCullogh
Luke Sides - Grobes Weibliches Schwein
Luke Sides , Holy Zinger, Cast Iron
Luke Sides , Holy Zinger, Cast Iron
Luke Sides, Schwein, Cast Iron
Luke Sides, Schwein, Cast Iron
Luncheon Session, Max Krochmal
Machaela Page: Nina Simone, Ebony Pencil, India Ink (Gold and Red) - Theresa Traweek, Drawing II
Madalyn Jecker - Syd Barrett - Gouache, Charcoal - Drawing I, Jennifer Seibert
Madison Connell - Alice in Wonderland Tea Set - White Stoneware and Glaze - Ceramics II, Chris Gray
Make A Wish, Lauren Mezzell
Making Research Tangible: The Multiple Genre Research Project, Kailey Zoch, Austin Rudeen, Natalie Christiansen, Kiersten Langley, and Simbi Sulaiman
Mandance, Patricia Hoydic-Allen
Marina Shterenberg , Hair Bonds, Digital Print of a Performance
Marina Shterenberg , Hair Bonds, Digital Print of a Performance
Mary McRae and Dean Gaye Cooksey
Masi Kafash: Persian Girl, Oil on Canvas - Jennifer Seibert, Painting II
Matthew Whitaker - Thrown Bowl - Stoneware - Ceramics II, Chris Gray
Max's Sofa, Evan Hinton
Maxum Staley: Morning Alarm, Bronze - Luke Sides, Intro to Foundry Practice
McKinney Park, Anna Cavnar
Medea, Bonnie Frazier
Medical, Yuqing Liu, Nicole Hatch, Toluwani Ogunbayode, Siddhant Shelke, and Corey Olszewski
Megan Edinger: Ode to da Vinci, Acrylic, Charcoal and Coffee - Carrie Garrott, Drawing I
Meggan Mihalik: Flower Bowl, Ceramic - Chris Grey, Design III
Meggan Mihalik - Lotus Teapot - Ceramic - Ceramics II, Chris Gray
Melissa Connour - Low-Brow Goggles - Mixed Media - Drawing II, Trey Egan
mellifluous, Nicole Lynn
Menshen: Qong Qin (left) and Chigong Yu (right), Peizhao Li
Men Walk on the Moon, Taurean Hill
Michaela, Guadalupe Martinez
Migrant Mother, Cheryl Nieuwesteeg
Mikaella Alcantata, Ferocios Bear, Micron Pen
Mikaella Alcantata, Ferocious Tiger, Micron Pen
Miriana's Attitude, Andy Lai
Mixed Signals, Kelly Reichelderfer
Moon, Amy Holt
Moonlight, Clair (Qu) Wu
More Is Better, Loraine Whetten
Mother Earth, Mohamed Shammet
Mr. Darcy Ponders, Dallie Clark
Murder - 2016 Silverpoint on Panel 11 x 8 inches
Muse, the Conure, Dalton Wright
My Buddy Echo, Justin L. Mutinta
My Father, Kathy Grisby
My Father's Ship, Patricia Keller
My Grandmother, Jiaan Powers
My Lady of Tears, Eunice Bridges
My Mother Laughed, Donna Gilbert
Nadya Archbold, Untitled, Acrylic, Marker, Micron
Nala Alfaro: La Virgen, Relief Print on 100% Rag Paper - Carter Scaggs, Printmaking I
Named, D.M. Wilkins
Natalie Small and Miaojian Zheng
Nat Chittamai- Sunset at Margaret Hunt Hill
Nat Chittamai- The Reflection of Dallas
Nat Chittamai- Tiny Photographer
Nat Chittamai- When It Rains, It Pours
Nate Cassie, A-Frame for Chris, Mixed media
Nate Cassie, Cloudgrid, enamel and flashe on canvas
Nate Cassie, Field, enamel and flashe on canvas
Nate Cassie, Lust, Mixed Media
Nathan Henson, A Cut Thru Irony, Iron and Aluminum
Nathan Henson, An Ever Repairing Heart, Bronze, Wood, Sand and Pebbles
Never a Pale Place, Arianna McDonald
Never Saw It Coming, Claire Shipman
New Perspective, Paul Bellah
New Year's, 2011, Sabrina Mendoza
Nightmare, [] Faizah
Nightmarish Dream, Allison Graham
Night on the Lake, Dallie Clark
Noah Moffett - Unknown - Mixed Media - Drawing I, Jennifer Seibert
Noah's Ark, Jennifer Schradeya
No[hbdy]'s Revenge, Elizabeth Ann Sedgwick
No Poem Today, Mary Baumgartner
.North Texas Printmaking Guild Poster 1
.North Texas Printmaking Guild Poster 2
.North Texas Printmaking Guild Poster 3
.North Texas Printmaking Guild Poster 4
.North Texas Printmaking Guild Poster 5
.North Texas Printmaking Guild Poster 6
.North Texas Printmaking Guild Poster 7
.North Texas Printmaking Guild Reception Poster
Nothing to See Here - 2018 Silverpoint Copperpoint and White Chalk on Panel 21 x 15 inches
Observations as Research in Creative Writing [Student Readings of Original Poetry] followed with discussion of where and how the images were collected, Elizabeth Abrams, Samuel Barcelo, Anna Boling, Caroline Dillard, Trexiea Hernandez, Taylor Jariz, Emmie Kedslie, David Matthews, Tiffany Page, James Pyon, Solomon Kidus, and Tariq Zuha
October, Nick McLean
"Ode to a Mockingbird" 2014, Deborah Anderson
Off the Path (Why), Kelsey Johnson
Once Upon a Time, Haley Wallace
One Extra Chromosome, Nate Mathers
One Step Out of Time, Stephan Nguyen Han
One Way, Ibrahim Safa
On Good Days, Daniel Michel
On the Right Track, Teighior Stegman
Open Doors, Hayley Earnest
Opening, Linda Sears
Ophelia's A Fault of Madness, Melissa Dang
Orion's Battle, Shannan Froelich
Our Dilemma, Beth T. Ayers
Our Walk, Dallie Clark
Outside, Maddie Derryberry
OV-307 Icarus, Emily Zamelin
O Victoria, Sylvia S. Medel
Paint me a Picture, Megan Flynn
Panic, Tiffany Page
Park, Pooja Gupta
Patrick Lewis, Goldfinch, Acrylic
Patrick Lewis, Goldfinch, Acrylic
Paul Armstrong: Self Portraits, Oil on Canvas - Jennifer Seibert, Painting I
PEI, Robert Shipley
Peter Calvin, La Huerta de Serna #1, Archival Digital Print
Peter Calvin, La Huerta de Serna #1, Archival Digital Print
Phillip C. Murray: Mother, Mixed Media/Collage - Jerry Smith, Drawing I
Photography Entry #1, Kendall Marie Rogers
Piety, Daniel Michael
Pineapple Juice, William J. Francis
Pixel Pixie, Lillie Vermillion
Pizza Lunch, Jenny Warren
Pomegranate, Alberto Gutierrez
Portrait of Rex III - 2018 Silverpoint on Prepared Paper 11 7/8 x 8 7/8 inches
Poster Session, Jenny Warren
Poster Session: Meaning in the Margin: Gender, Race, and Class in the 20th Century, Ryan Fletcher and Melissa Fletcher
Potty Time, Laura Braidwood
Pregnancy, Talmeez Burney
Preparatory Sketch - 2017 Graphite and White Chalk on Paper 7 1/2 x 6 inches
Priscilla Campos - Iguana - Etching Ink, Chine Colle - 3D Design, Carter Scaggs
Private Thoughts, David Knape
Professor Tinnen and Professor Copeland Reception
Proof, Photographic Works by Byrd Williams
Property Rented, Kerry Jeffrey
Pumpkin Spice and Two Things Nice, Jessica K. Flora
Quiet Walk, Robert Sturm
Race and Class, David Cullen
Rain Kissed Gerbera Daisy, Deborah Sue Miller
raw, Nicole Lynn
Reading Gender and Sexuality in Literature, Tiernan Shaw, Sydney Santschi, Shad Green, Kira Cheek, and Chelsea Burton
Reading Poetry Against the Grain, Maria Cano, Naomi Flores, and Shannon Simmons
Rebel Portrait, Andy Lai
Record Store, Taylor Roseberry
Red, Dallie Clark
Redline Heading North, Karis Strannemar
Red Rocks Amptheatre, Jiafeng Lan
Reflection, Lydia Pyla
Reflection of Innocents, Elaughn Green
Regina Ray: Skeleton Rocker, Cast Bronze - Luke Sides, Intro to Foundry Practice
Regina Ray - Spring's Arrival - Aluminum and Wood - Intro to Foundry, Luke Sides
Registration/Coffee, Lisa Kirby
Reyna Grande - Award Winning Author and Inspirational Speaker, Whitney Pisani
Richard Armendariz, Candy Hearts
Richard Armendariz, No Tengo Suerte for love
Riley McGuiness - Hatched - Chalk Pastel - Drawing II, Rex Kare
Robin Horst - Pistol - Linocut - Design III, Carter Scaggs
Robin Myrick, Vocabulary 4 and Vocabulary 3, Photograph and Acrylic
Robin Myrick, Vocabulary 4 and Vocabulary 3, Photograph and Acrylic
Robyn Rozelle: Arch Nemesis, Graphite and Oil Paint - Jennifer Seibert, Painting I
Robyn Rozelle - Automation - Graphite, Chalk - Figure Drawing, Rex Kare
Rocky Mountain National Park, Spring, Jiafeng Lan
Roger Shimomura, American vs. Japs
Roses, All of Us, Lori Hoxie
Sake Set, Clarice Dorst
Salt, Molly Brown
Sam Norris - Table 2 - Steel - Sculptural Welding, Luke Sides
Saxophone Song, Bianca Pittman
Scapegoat, Andrew Barba
Sea of Metal, E. Fleming Pierce
Seasons=Delights, Sally A. Roberts
SEEN1, Abigial Long
Self Portrait, Nakita Vojnovich
Sepideh Kafaei, Growth, Mixed Media
September 11 Ten Year #10, Nick Young
September 11 Ten Year #38, Nick Young
Sequoia, Patricia Hoydic Allen
Serenity, Kim Mladjen
Shackled, Lillie Vermillion
Shadow Dance, Bob Graham
Sharp Shadows, James G. Robinson
She is Just Sleeping, Jessie Mann
she lived in words, E. Fleming Pierce
Shine, Claire Chapman
simmer the pot, Molly Boyce
Sisters, April Boyd
Slope of Monjou, Hugh Bramlett
Snorri, Sabrina Mendoza
Snow Day, Roxanne Geib
Snowy Sunrise, Gilbert K.D. Hu
Social Media: Effect, Affect, Teens, and Possible Addiction, Bhairavi Bandekar, Etsube Mesganaw Yitbarek, Karla Lopez, Cathy Tran, and Elizabeth Momoh
Sometime, Kate Innocent
Sonata Pharmaceutical: 1st Mvmt., Cameron Sells
Split Rail Fence, Ava Everette
Spontaneous Generation, D. Knape
Standing on the Upstairs Landing, Sabrina Mendoza
Static State -- For Elijah, Amy Weilert
Steven Hendrix: ON Belay, Bronze Cast Sculpture - Alex Johnson, Sculpture I
Steven Hendrix - Untitled - Bronze - Intro to Foundry, Luke Sides
Still Life Triptych, Maryanne Zamora
Strangest Devotion, Liberty Daye
Student Invitational Art Exhibition 2017 poster
Student Personal Sketchbooks 2
Student video, logos, and story boards
Subconscious, Sabrina Mendoza
Sue Anne Rische - Surveillance
Sue Melton, Blue Jar, Ceramic Dillo White
Sue Melton, Green Jar, Ceramic Dillo White
Sunny-Side Up, Jessica Gonsoulin
Sunrays, Amy Bedinghaus
Suspended 2, 2017-2018 Reception
Suspended 2, 2017-2018 Reception
Suspended 2, 2017-2018 Reception
Suspended 4, 2017-2018 Oil on Canvas 72 x 72 inches
Suzanna Perry: Untitled, Oil Paint - Jennifer Seibert, Painting I
Tanner Severson, Bonfire, Etching
Tanner Severson, Mountain Arbor Passage, Etching and Linocut
Taylor Dodson - Sometimes I Still Look for Them - Oil on Canvas - Painting II, Rex Kare
Taylor Lyee Roseberry, More Trees Than Stars, Collagraph, 100% cotton rag, oil based ink
Taylor Lyee Roseberry, The Solar System, Copper Plate Etching, 100% cotton rag, oil based ink
Taylor Meredith, Pillow, Plaster
Taylor Meredith, Tension, Wooden Dawels
TCU: Honors Research Across the Disciplines, Amal Khan, Christian Nguyen, Hyong Nguyen, Martin Ptak, Claire Carter, and Emma Holland
Tea Party, Christopher Arthur
Tea Time, Yipeng Lin
Teresa Traweek, Over the Edge, Multimedia Drawing on Aluminum
Teresa Traweek, Over the Edge, Multimedia Drawing on Aluminum
Tesa Morin, Appreciation or Appropriation - (Chinese Garden), Fibers and Photography
Tesa Morin, Appreciation or Appropriation - (Chinese Garden), Fibers and Photography
Tesa Morin, Appreciation or Appropriation - (Lan Su), Fibers and Photography
Tesa Morin, Appreciation or Appropriation - (Lan Su), Fibers and Photography
The 2017 Ruth A. Allen Pioneer in Working Class History Award: A Roundtable Consideration of the Work of Historian Michael Botson, Marilyn Rhinehart
The Abuse, Natalie Greene
The Apartment, Emily Zamelin
The Art of Negritude-Personal Opinion Essay, Sydney Portilla-Diggs
The art of sculpting, Kelly Zelens
THE ARTS Faculty Annual Group Exhibition
THE ARTS Faculty Annual Group Exhibition
The Boogie Man's Fear, Kelly Anne Triece
The Chinese Ghostbuster, Peizhao Li
The Complexity of American Literature: Writers, Themes, and Ideas, Kendall Brunworth, Caroline Dillard, Thomas Farrell, John McGillewie, Kassidi Dennis, and Kris Palmertree
The Devolution of Fire, George Henson
The Elephant in the Room, Anna Strakele
The Exhibit, Timothy Solano
The Fence, Lindsay Friday
The Forbidden Path, [] Faizah
The Harmony of the World, Chris Arthur
The Hunted, Ryan McAdams
The Intention, Molly Boyce
The Interactions of NGOs and MNCs: ACLU vs. Jeppesen, Najib Gazi, Audra Philips Crow, and Cody Crow
The Journey to Colorado, Nat Chittamai
The Joys of Nightscapes, Maryanne Zamora
The King Pin, Erin Roper
The Ladder into the Cave, Hayley Earnest
The Last of Blood and Mire, D.M. Wilkins
The Letter as Art in the Digital Age
The Letter as Art in the Digital Age Art Café
The Little Girl, Candy Land
The Lovely Words, Postcards From Beyond, Dallie Clark
The Monster in my Room, Thomas Pool
Then and Now, Elise Holland
The Nuances of Sub-Cultures, Gayla Pearce, Susan E. Cubberly, Donn Ross Trotter, and Jonisha McKiddy
The Path of the Plummet, Haley Wallace
The Real Story, Anndria J. Webb
The Reason I Write, Sharon Orsburn
The Red Spider Lily, Beth Turner Ayers
The Relationship between Political Trust and Health Outcomes in Sierra Leone, Grace Reon
The Relativity of Ancient Myth, Cassandra Palo
There's a Scream Inside We All Try to Hide 1, Brandy L. Anderson
There's a Scream Inside We All Try to Hide 4, 7, 8, Brandy L. Anderson
Theresa Traweek and Julie Shipp
Theresa Traweek, Centrifuge, Multimedia Drawing on Aluminum
Theresa Traweek, Centrifuge, Multimedia Drawing on Aluminum
Theresa Traweek - Marching in Time
Theresa Traweek, Tempest, Oil on Linen
There Was a Going As You Looked Away, Donna Gilbert
the river, Molly Boyce
The Sandman, Charlotte Stevens
The Screamer, Alejandro Molina
The Ship on that Day, Starlit D.S. Taie
The Siren's Song, Amy Holt
The Sistah Circle Has Curves, Pamela Elaine Blair
The Tangerine, Dallie Clark
The Thin Red Department Store Line, Keith Tolleson
The Train Ride, Nancy L. Ross
The Truth -- Bone Dry, Mark Eisman
The View, Ava Everette
The Visionary Within, Mari Wells
The Wall, Reminder of the First Living-Room War, Sylvia Rojas Vaughn
The Working Life in Texas, Michael Phillips
The Writing of Time, Teddy Lishan Desta Ph.D.
This is Just to Say, 2002, George Henson
This is only a test, Pamela Elaine Blair
Three Seasons of Eve, Clarice Dorst
Three Views on Class and Sovereignty: Economic Migrants, Climate Justice, and Miners in Mexico, Sandra Mendiola Garcia
Tiago Botelho, The Power Of Pregnancy, Charcoal
Time, Alberto Gutierrez
Timeless, Raymond DeSantis
Ting Huang, How We Gather, Photography
Ting Huang, How We Gather, Photography
Ting Huang, Memories for the Future, Photography
Ting Huang, Memories for the Future, Photography
Tiresias, Nicholas McLean
Tom Hollenback, Flute I, 2007, Fluorescent acrylice and steel
Tom Hollenback, Purple Channel Pink Line, 2014
Tom Hollenback, Volumetric Painting -- Olice Square, Case acrylic paint and wood
Tommy A. Harmon, Salsa, Charcoal
Tommy A. Harmon, Vintage Americana, Pastel
Toni Martin: Not Your Crow, Oil/Acrylic - Jennifer Seibert, Painting I
Too Near, Shane Miller
Top Paper Panel, Alexandra Neenan, Ashe Cleveland, Michael Farzinpour, Alyssa Vega, Trexiea Hernandez, Christine Espinosa, Nicole To, and Sharin Salam
Tortillas, Elizabeth Mercado
Trang Pham - Self-Portrait - Charcoal - Drawing I, Jerry E. Smith
Translucent, J. A. Goodrich
Treasure, Bonnie Frazier
Tree, Ruben Madrid
Tree Reflections-Night, Yara L. Soto Hernandez
Trisha, Gilbert Hu
Tropical Raindrops, Deborah Sue Miller
Truong Ngo- The Power of Youth
Trystan Waterbury: Seegreen Lounge, Bronze - Luke Sides, Intro to Foundry Practice
Tunneling, Joan Canby
Turbine #82, Robert Shipley
T Vazquez, Wall, Digital Photography Archival Inkjet Print
T Vazquez, Wall, Digital Photography Archival Inkjet Print
Two at the River Lethe, Kelsey Johnson
Two Veterans Remember Returning from the Korean Police Action, Sylvia Rojas Vaughn
Ultimate Spy Battle, Timothy Adams
Uncle Leo, Rudy McCallister
Understanding Police Bias, Leigh Ann Ross
Unity, Evan Hinton
Unopened, Dallie Clark
Unprepared, Sharon Orsburn
Untitled, Sherry Dickson
Untitled, Sherry Dickson
Untitled, Sydney Portilla-Diggs
Untitled, Ethan Miller
Untitled, Maria Alejandra Ramos
Untitled, Scott Marlow
Untitled, Cindy Harnden
Untitled, Michael Carrell
Untitled, S. Benoit
Untitled, I. Shaver
Untitled, S. Adams
Untitled, S. Benoit
Untitled, S. Day
Untitled, S. Benoit
Untitled, C. Helvey
Untitled, S. Day
Untitled, V. Venkatesh
Untitled, W. Gollihue
Untitled, C. Carlin
Untitled, S. Adams
Untitled, S. Benoit
Untitled, S. Day
Untitled, C. Carlin
Untitled, P. Bellah
Untitled, S. Starr
Untitled, V. Amfahr
Untitled, C. Ippolito
Untitled, T. Keller
Untitled, D. Wood
Untitled, J. Fraker
Untitled, S. Benoit
Untitled, T. Keller
Untitled, D. Wood
Untitled, T. Keller
Untitled, S. Adams
Untitled, N. Jones
Untitled, N. Jones
Untitled, P. Bellah
Untitled Series, Sherry Dickson
Upon Selling my Ring, Kate Innocent
Uptown Trolley, Alberto Gutierrez
Vanity's Temptation, Taurean Hill
Velvet Vaughan: Brain Chemistry, Mixed Media - Julie Shipp, Drawing II
Video Production Course Commercial, Timothy Adams
Viktor Marcussen, Self Portrait at 1 AM, Charcoal
Viktor Marcussen, Self Portrait in Gray, Black and White Charcoal
Visiting the Queen, Doris Yanger
Visiting the Sistine, M.J. Dolan
Vivi Johnson: Untitled, Acrylic and Oil on Canvas - Jennifer Seibert, Painting II
Volcanoes Around the World, Mike Cohick
Walking Softly, David Knape
Walks of Life: The Journey of (some) Women, Claire Padre, Jana Ward, and Megan Greer
Welcoming Troops from the Front at Dawn, Sylvia Rojas Vaughn
Well Fed, Shannon Lee Williams
Wendy Pryne, Blue Sunrise Pendant on Leather Cord, Sterling Silver with Chrysocolla Cabochon
Wendy Pryne, Geometric Pattern Teardrop Earrings, Sterling over Copper with Heavy Black Patina
Wesley Mathew, As-Salt on Healthy Eating #1, Achival Inkjet Print
Wesley Mathew, As-Salt on Healthy Eating #2, Achival Inkjet Print
"What a Strange and Wonderful Story!": Literary Research and College Writing, Chloe Beam, Payton Charmichael, Amara Dike, and Abigail Stewart
What would I know if I didn't have the theme to Green Acres memorized?, Philip Fullman
When Summer Comes, Anne West
Where Did they Go?, Daniel L. Hawkins
White-Lily Silk, Melissa Dang
Who is Teaching Them to Forget?, Sharon Orsburn
Wisdom from Walden: Work and the Seduction of Wealth, Paul Guajardo
Within Tin Walls, Taylor Roseberry
Woody, Claire Shipman
Working-Class Culture, Larry Stern
Working-Class History, Kristen L. Streater
Working-Class Legacies, Melody M. Miyamoto Walters
Working-Class Studies in Theory and Practice, Sam Tullock
WW3, Ellis Rivera
WWII, The Holocaust, and the Politics of Genocide, Jennifer Armstrong, Dennis Arce, Liz Dudek, and Marybeth Gill