

Argument and Proposal Essay

Research in progress for ENGL 1302: Composition II

Faculty Mentors: Lisa Kirby, PhD and Kyle Wilkison, PhD

Introduction from Dr. Lisa Kirby

It was my pleasure to work with Kate Burchnell on her paper, “Lessons Lost: The Complicated Filtering of History Curricula.” Kate’s project began as an assignment in my Fall 2021 Composition II course. This assignment allowed students to choose a topic they were passionate about, write a persuasive essay about the issue, and propose a solution to the problem. Students were encouraged to pick topics in their future professions or fields of study. As an aspiring History major, Kate knew exactly what she wanted to write about. The assignment she produced for class was insightful, skillfully researched, and expertly written. When Kate approached Dr. Wilkison and me about revising the manuscript for publication in Quest, I was thrilled to work with her. What was already a superb paper has been strengthened even more throughout the revision process. Kate included additional sources, developed her argument more fully, and updated the manuscript by including more recent examples and anecdotes. Throughout the process, Kate demonstrated persistence, grace, and passion. It was an honor to collaborate with her on this important and timely project.

Introduction from Dr. Kyle Wilkison

Laura “Kate” Burchnell, a senior History major at the University of North Texas, began this project as a freshman English student at Collin College. Herein Burchnell takes on one of the chief controversies roiling the waters of History education. That is, what role ought parents to play in the History education of their children? This skillfully written think piece attempts to bring cool analysis to a debate characterized by more heat than light. Unafraid to state her own position, Burchnell’s thoughtful article will help readers clarify their own thinking on this important topic. Her mentors expect that the world of ideas and scholarship will see more from Kate Burchnell.

Faculty Mentor

Dr. Kyle Wilkison - kwilkison@collin.edu

Dr. Lisa Kirby - lkirby@collin.edu



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